Employee Engagement Activities

Employee Engagement Activities play a vital role in the growth of employees as well as the growth of the organization. Here are a few activities which are played out at Planetcast International Pte Ltd uniting all of us together as one family.


Theme Dressing

Theme dressing lets employees dress diversely and showcase their creative side. Stylish Saturday was introduced for employees to display their coolest attire.

Handwriting Competition

Handwriting in the Digital Age has become such a rarity. It’s no surprise that as technology has become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the traditional act of writing has been somewhat forgotten.
The ease of word processing documents has made the purpose of handwriting almost redundant. However, the act of writing should not be forgotten; as emerging research shows that handwriting increases brain activity, refines fine motor skills, and can even predict personality traits, in ways that keyboarding can't.
It is with this thought, that “HANDWRITING COMPETITION", is organised. The competition is held during work hours, wherein participants are asked to re-write a paragraph on a plain sheet in blue/black ink, at any given time which is convenient to them and drop it in the 'drop box' placed in their department.


Employee Satisfaction Survey

Planetcast International Pte Ltd believes in creating an environment that encourages growth and job satisfaction. Employee Satisfaction Survey is developed with the questions tailored to Planetcast International Pte Ltd culture. Employees are given the opportunity to give their feedback anonymously, by rating different aspects of the Organization.

Employees assess what they value the most and give positive suggestions for further improvement. The results of the survey are then considered to drive future success.

Woman’s Sports day

Teamwork is the fuel that allows people to produce unconventional results. A day away from work helps people bond better and know each other.A day-out is organised exclusively for women with fun activities and sports.
The day is filled with dozen of interesting races wherein everyone is given a chance to participate. Special sessions including music and intense workout like Aerobics, Zumba are arranged for women.



In the digital age, most of us are bound at our workstation and get little movement during the workday. Squeezing out time to go to the gym in between work and home life could be quite unmanageable.

However, being fit doesn’t always require a gym membership and changing into track-pants and sports-shoes. To combat the adverse effects of prolonged sitting and sedentary lifestyle on our back, wrists, eyes, neck, and shoulders, ‘Deskercise’ was initiated: simple stretches which could be done at the desk and would not take more than 10 minutes.